Country article in printed Atlas
1850 | Historischer Verein für Krein (Historical Society of Krain) in Ljubljana |
1864 | Museumsverein (Museum Society of Krain) in Ljubljana |
1888 | Kranjski deželni muzej (Regional Museum of Krain) in Ljubljana; renamed Narodni muzej (National Museum, 1921) and Narodni muzej Slovenije (National Museum of Slovenia, 1997) |
1891–1910 | First historical journals in Slovenian |
1903 | Zgodovinsko društvo za Slovensko Štajersko (Historical Society for Slovenian Styria) in Maribor, later renamed Zgodovinsko društvo v Mariboru (Historical Society in Maribor) |
1920 | Historični seminar (Seminar in History) at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana (founded in 1919); renamed Zgodovinski inštitut (Institute for History, 1948) and Oddelek za zgodovino (Department for History, 1962) |
1926 | Državni arhiv (State Archive) in Ljubljana, renamed Arhi Republike Slovenije (Archive of the Republic of Slovenia, 1991) |
1946 | Zgodovinsko društvo za Slovenijo (Historical Society of Slovenia) |
1947 | Zgodovinski inštitut (Institute of History) at the Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti (Slovenian Academy of Sciences) Ljubljana; renamed Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa (‘Milko Kos’ Historical Institute) in 1977 |
1948 | Muzej narodne osvoboditve (National Liberation Museum) renamed Muzej ljudske revolucije (Museum of the People’s Revolution, 1958) and Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije (Museum of Contemporary History, 1994) |
1959 | Inštitut za zgodovino delavskega gibanja (Institute for the History of the Workers’ Movement), Ljubljana; renamed Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino (Institute for Contemporary History, 1989) |
1974 | University of Maribor, historical department |
1994 | Zgodovinsko društvo Celje (Historical Society of Celje) |
2004 | Inštitut za zgodovinske študije (Institute for Historical Studies) at the Primorie University in Koper |
(References are included up to 2009)