
Country article in printed Atlas

1755 University of Moscow
1804 History chair at University of Kazan
1819 History chair at University of Saint Petersburg
1831 Rumiantsevskii muzei (Rumiantsev Museum) in Saint Petersburg
1846 Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei (Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles) started by the Arkheograficheskaia Komissia (Archaeographic Commission of the Academy of Sciences)
1866–1920 Russkoe istoricheskoe obshchestvo (Russian Historical Society)
1870–1918 Journal Russkaia starina (Russian Antiquity)
1872 Rossiiskii istoricheskii muzei (Russian Historical Museum) in Saint Petersburg
1877 Arkheologicheskii institute (Archaeological Institute) in Saint Petersburg
1884 Gubernskie uchenye arkhivnye komissii (Provincial Learned Archival Commissions)
1915 Ol’ga Antonovna Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaia, first woman with a master’s degree
1920 Istpart/Komissija po istorii Oktjabr’skoi revoliutsii i RKP(b) (Commission for the Study of History of the October Revolution and the Bolshevik Party) in Moscow
1922 Tsentral’nyi bjuro kraevedeniia (Central Bureau for Regional Studies) in Moscow
1922 Institut istorii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of USSR)
1925 Obshchestvo istorikov-marksistov (Society of Marxist Historians)
1929–30 The so-called ‘Academic case’: Persecution of many historians from the Akademiia nauk SSSR (Academy of Sciences of the USSR)
1931 Istoriko-arkhivnyi institut (Historical and Archival Institute) in Moscow
1931 Tsentral’nyi partiinyi arkhiv (Central Party Archive) in Moscow
1934–36 Reestablishment of departments of history at the Universities of Moscow and Leningrad
1936 Istoriia VKP(b): Kratkii kurs (Short Course on the History of VKP(b) of Stalin)
1968 Institut istorii SSSR (Institute of Soviet History) and the Institut vseobshchei istorii (Institute of General History) at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
1991 Institut Marksa-Engel’sa-Lenina (Institute of Marx-EngelsLenin) dissolved
1990s Russkoe istoricheskoe obshchestvo (Russian Historical Society), the Russkoe genealogicheskoe obshchestvo (Russian Genealogical Society) refounded



(References are included up to 2009)

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