Country article in printed Atlas
1755 | University of Moscow |
1804 | History chair at University of Kazan |
1819 | History chair at University of Saint Petersburg |
1831 | Rumiantsevskii muzei (Rumiantsev Museum) in Saint Petersburg |
1846 | Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei (Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles) started by the Arkheograficheskaia Komissia (Archaeographic Commission of the Academy of Sciences) |
1866–1920 | Russkoe istoricheskoe obshchestvo (Russian Historical Society) |
1870–1918 | Journal Russkaia starina (Russian Antiquity) |
1872 | Rossiiskii istoricheskii muzei (Russian Historical Museum) in Saint Petersburg |
1877 | Arkheologicheskii institute (Archaeological Institute) in Saint Petersburg |
1884 | Gubernskie uchenye arkhivnye komissii (Provincial Learned Archival Commissions) |
1915 | Ol’ga Antonovna Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaia, first woman with a master’s degree |
1920 | Istpart/Komissija po istorii Oktjabr’skoi revoliutsii i RKP(b) (Commission for the Study of History of the October Revolution and the Bolshevik Party) in Moscow |
1922 | Tsentral’nyi bjuro kraevedeniia (Central Bureau for Regional Studies) in Moscow |
1922 | Institut istorii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of USSR) |
1925 | Obshchestvo istorikov-marksistov (Society of Marxist Historians) |
1929–30 | The so-called ‘Academic case’: Persecution of many historians from the Akademiia nauk SSSR (Academy of Sciences of the USSR) |
1931 | Istoriko-arkhivnyi institut (Historical and Archival Institute) in Moscow |
1931 | Tsentral’nyi partiinyi arkhiv (Central Party Archive) in Moscow |
1934–36 | Reestablishment of departments of history at the Universities of Moscow and Leningrad |
1936 | Istoriia VKP(b): Kratkii kurs (Short Course on the History of VKP(b) of Stalin) |
1968 | Institut istorii SSSR (Institute of Soviet History) and the Institut vseobshchei istorii (Institute of General History) at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR |
1991 | Institut Marksa-Engel’sa-Lenina (Institute of Marx-EngelsLenin) dissolved |
1990s | Russkoe istoricheskoe obshchestvo (Russian Historical Society), the Russkoe genealogicheskoe obshchestvo (Russian Genealogical Society) refounded |
(References are included up to 2009)