
Country article in printed Atlas

1897 Comisia Gubernială Ştiinţifică a Arhivelor din Basarabia (Bessarabian Gubernial Scientific Archives Commission)
1925 Arhivele Statului din Basarabia (Bessarabian State Archive)
1946 Institutul de Istorie, Limba si Literatura (Institute of History, Language and Literature) and Facultatea de Istorie (Department of History) as a part of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Moldavian State University
1983 Muzeul Naţional de Istorie al Republicii Sovietice Socialiste Moldoveneşti (State Museum of History of Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic) in Chişinău
1989 Asociatia Istoricilor din Moldova (Association of Moldova Historians)
1990 Revista de Istorie a Moldovei (Journal of History of Moldova)
1991 Muzeul Naţional de Istorie (National Museum of History)



(References are included up to 2009)

Caşu, I. (2007). Historiography of “Recent History” in the Republic of Moldova. In S. Antohi (Ed.), ) Pasts Continuous: Writing Recent History in PostCommunist Eastern Europe. CEU Press.
King, C. (2000). The Moldovans. Romania, Russia, and the Politics of Culture. Hoover Institution Press.
Livezeanu, I. (2000). Cultural Politics in Greater Romania: Regionalism, Nation Building and Ethnic Struggle, 1918–1930. Cornell University Press.
Musteaţă, S. (2008). National identity between history teaching and politics: a case study of the Republic of Moldova (2001–2007)’. In M. Heintz (Ed.), Weak State, Uncertain Citizenship. Studies about the Republic of Moldova (pp. 127–148). Peter Lang.
Pâslariuc, V. (2010). Moldova. In L. Raphael & I. Porciani (Eds.), Atlas of European Historiography. The Making of a Profession 1800-2005 (pp. 97–98). Palgrave.
Academia de Ştiinţă a Moldovei: Istorie şi contemporanietate. 1946-2006. (2006). Î.E.P. Ştiinţa.

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