
Country article in printed Atlas

1800–10 Introduction of history on university curricula
1833 Foundation of the Deputazione di Storia Patria (Deputation for History of the Fatherland) in Turin
1841 Archivio Storico italiano, Florence, first journal for the publication of sources on Italian history as a whole
1846–48 First real chair of modern history at a state university instituted at Turin
1852 Archivio di Stato (State Archive) and school in Florence
1859 Casati Bill
1861 Creation of the nation-state
1874 Archives brought under the Ministry of the Interior
1875 Creation of a humanities section at the Accademia nazionale dei Lincei (National Lincei Academy) in Rome
1879–1995 Historical congresses of the Deputazioni and Società di Storia Patria (Deputations and Societies for History of the Fatherland)
1883 Istituto Storico Italiano (Italian Historical Institute) in Rome
1884 Rivista Storica Italiana (Italian Historical Review)
1880s Commission of the ‘Three Barons’: control of archival documents concerning the Savoy Monarchy in Turin
1892 Establishment of Studi Storici (Historical Studies), the journal of the historical seminar at the University of Pisa
1903 International historical congress in Rome
1906 Istituto (Institute) and Comitato Nazionale per la Storia del Risorgimento Italiano (National Committee for the History of the Italian Risorgimento) in Rome. The concept of ‘Risorgimento’ begins to be synonymous with contemporary history
1911 Museo Centrale per il Risorgimento (Central museum for Risorgimento) in Rome
1914 Rassegna Storica del Risorgimento (Historical Review of the Risorgimento)
1917 Nuova Rivista Storica (New Historical Review)
1925 Scuola di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea (School of Modern and Contemporary History) in Rome and first chair in the history of the Risorgimento
1928 Comitato Nazionale per le Scienze Storiche (National Committee of Historical Sciences)
1934–36 Centralization of the national institutions for historical research
1939 Bibliografia Storica Nazionale (National Historical Bibliography)
1945–47 Deputations for History of the Fatherland regain their previous autonomy
1946 Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici (Italian Institute for Historical Studies) in Naples
1947–51 Historical institutions connected to political families and parties: Istituto Nazionale della Resistenza (National Institute of Resistance History), Istituto Sturzo (Sturzo Institute), Istituto Gramsci (Gramsci Institute)
1975 Creation of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage responsible for archives and historical institutions
1980–90s Foundation of several national historical associations



(References are included up to 2009)

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