Country article in printed Atlas
1796 | Chair of General and World History, University of Prague |
1817 | Moravské museum (Moravian Museum) in Brno/Brünn |
1818 | Museum Království českého (Museum of Bohemian Kingdom) in Prague |
1824 | History of the German and Austrian Empire introduced as a subject at the University of Prague |
1829 | Scriptores rerum bohemicarum: edition of Bohemian state documents |
1836 | Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris Moraviae: edition of Moravian documents |
1838 | Moravský stavovský archiv (Moravian Land Archive) in Brno/Brünn |
1840 | Archiv český (Bohemian Archive): edition of documents in Czech language |
1848–50 | Reform of the University of Prague |
1862 | Verein für Geschichte der Deutschen in Böhmen (Society for the History of Germans in Bohemia) |
1862 | Archiv země české (Archive of the Bohemian Land) in Prague |
1866 | Historický spolek (Society of Czech Historians) in Prague |
1869 | Časopis matice moravské (Review of Moravian Foundation), a leading journal for Moravian history in the Czech language |
1871 | Historický klub (Historical Club), Czech |
1873–74 | Historical seminar at the University of Prague |
1882 | Division of the University of Prague into German and Czech universities |
1890 | Česká akademie věd a umění Czech (Academy of Sciences and Arts) |
1895 | Český časopis historický (Czech Historical Review) |
1898 | Slovanský přehled (Slavonic Review), Czech |
1904 | Bibliografie českých dějin (Bibliography of Czech History) |
1919 | Státní archivní škola (State Archive School) in Prague |
1920 | Československý státní ústav historický (Czechoslovak State Historical Institute) |
1925 | Milada Paulová first woman habilitated in history |
1935 | Československá společnost historická (Society of Czechoslovak Historians) |
1950 | Ústav dějin KSČ (Institute of History of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia) in Prague |
1952 | Československá akademie věd (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences) with the Historický ústav (Historical Institute) and the Ústav dějin socialistických zemí (Institute for the History of Socialist Countries) |
1954 | Státní ústřední archiv (Central State Archive) in Prague |
1990 | Ústav pro soudobé dějiny (Institute of Contemporary History) in Prague |
(References are included up to 2009)